Jonathan Bolduc

F. Pl.
- Shareholder
- Financial Security Advisor1
- Group Insurance and Group Annuity Plans Advisor
- Senior Wealth Advisor with iA Private Wealth2
- Email :
- Phone : 819 797-9501, extension 109
- Free of charge : 1 877 797-9501
Fax :
819 797-9503
The first thing that characterizes Jonathan Bolduc is his leadership quality. Honest, he is like a centre of gravity: people want to be close to him and the attention he gives to people also contributes to this. The self-confidence that emanates from him makes him a very reassuring person in whom people grant their trust. He therefore has a good capacity to surround himself with quality people.
He started in the insurance industry with London Life when he had just turned 19 years. Of a competitive temperament, he has, moreover, ranked third in Quebec in the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF) exam in 2005. Born in a family of entrepreneurs, Jonathan was able to use his father as a mentor. Very grateful for this opportunity that he has, he is always ready to help or to counsel others as he sincerely wishes the well-being and success of his peers. That is why, in 2008, he was named President of ProSphere Financial Group.
Jonathan is a first-class builder and visionary: he knows how to detect exceptional emerging opportunities. Furthermore, his creativity gives him the ability to plan a situation a long time in advance. He thus succeeds very well in identifying and matching people in order to bring to fruition a project. He is a uniter! All of this is doubtlessly in his clients’ best interests.
Jonathan is a “family man” as he places it at the centre of his priorities. He knows how to take care of it and does the same with the people who surround him and who become, so to speak, “a second family”.
All of this makes him a business man, an advisor, but especially, a human being of great quality with underlying values that are based on loyalty. His first and longest partnership started when he was 18 years: he met Renée, who would become the woman of his life and the mother of his two children.
* E-mail is not a safe method for sending information. Consequently, personal information should be sent using a safer method.
1 Permis Québec, Ontario et Alberta
2 Only products and services offered through iA Private Wealth Inc. are covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.