Michel Fortier

F. Pl.
- Shareholder
- Financial Security Advisor1
- Group Insurance and Group Annuity Plans Advisor
- Senior Wealth Advisor with iA Private Wealth2
- Email : michel.fortier@prosphere.ca
- Phone : 819 797-9501, extension 110
- Free of charge : 1 877 797-9501
Fax :
819 797-9503
Michel Fortier is a man of heart endowed with a great availability that he wishes to share with those around him. Very involved with his children’s activities as well as in his community, his integrity and judgment make him a sought-out person.
He started out in the industry in 1997 and quickly changed the office dynamics. His youth, his energy and his leadership have allowed him to reach exceptional levels right from the start. All the while being an Advisor who listens to his clients, Michel continued his training to get his qualifications as a Financial Planner which he received with accolades in 2005. His entrepreneurial spirit allowed him to be the first London Life Advisor to open his own regional branch in 2000. Afterwards, ProSphere Abitibi Financial Group was established and Michel has been the president since its creation.
Jovial and appealing, meetings in his presence mainly occur in a warm atmosphere. His flair allows him to easily recognize the personalized solutions to propose to his clients. Concerned with the well-being of his peers, he gives much importance to the quality of the relationships that he builds with his clients.
Michel has built his business and his reputation while building a wonderful family that takes centre stage of his priorities. He has 3 wonderful children of whom he is extremely proud and a spouse and remarkable work colleague.
* E-mail is not a safe method for sending information. Consequently, personal information should be sent using a safer method.
1 Ontario and Quebec licence
2 Only products and services offered through iA Private Wealth Inc. are covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.